Free Tours in Braga & Guimarães

Minho Free Walking Tours is a small and local project founded by two history teachers in 2016. It started is activity by providing free walking tours twice a day in the city of Braga. Meanwhile, this project has grown, so now it is integrated into a cultural and social cooperative named Minho de Porta Aberta - Cooperativa Cultural e Social,CRL . At this moment, the project provides guided tours twice a day in Braga and Guimarães (only by reservation), Bom Jesus do Monte (only by reservation), and customized tours. The actual team consists of local resident professionals linked to different areas of knowledge such as History, Archeology, Urbanism, or Cultural Studies. Our team is interested and enthusiastic. She tries always to provide the visitor unique experiences and promote the history, culture, legends, and traditions, as well as the gastronomy of their city. Our visits are free, nevertheless, at the end of the tour, you can pay what you feel our work was worth. Free tours in Brag...